Odnoklassniki.ru - analogue of classmates.com
The greatest number of Dalniy inhabitants are registered at this social network.
At 15.08.2012. there are 215 members registered at the group "Посёлок Дальний". They added 382 photos in 16 albums; the gruop has also news section and forum.
The page about "Mehrengskaya" railroad at the site about railroads.
The site is created by Sergey Bolashenko, researcher of railroads. At this page You may find detailed story of "Mehrengskaya" railroad, some documents, schemes, photos, and also narration of author's two trips: in village Pukso-ozero (2002) and from Puksa through Dalniy to route М-8 (2009)
The site about the village Pukso-ozero
DALNIY - view from the satellite, nowadays...
The official site of "Google Earth" program
Using this software (free version available), You may "travel" at any place of the planet Earth: to explore its surface compiled from detailed satellite shots, to watch buildings in 3D, or even explore stars in the Space and watch oceans deeps... ,detailed description see at the official site.
Dalniy.kmz - The label of DALNIY for Google Earth
If Google Earth is installed on Your computer, just download the file Dalniy.kmz and click it twice. After that "Google Earth" will start and make "jump" to exact geographical coordinates, showing You the territory of Dalniy and nearby landscape from a bird's-eye view.